Firearms Industry Super Shoot XXV

Kelbly's Rifle Range

May 21st - May 24th 1997

Stan Foster

Competitor #: 1084
Aggregate Summary
Aggregate Targets Score Ranking
10.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.6702 303
13.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.5122 296
2 Gun Aggregate 20 0.5912 319
Light Varmint 100  (05/21/1997)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 1.3170 309 -
M1 0.6470 291 -
M2 0.7060 295 -
M3 0.8970 308 -
M4 0.3900 171 -
M5 0.9150 311 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.7110
Class ranking: 305
Light Varmint 200  (05/23/1997)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 1.2880 304 -
M1 0.5910 84 -
M2 1.4140 276 -
M3 0.6190 62 -
M4 3.0350 313 -
M5 0.6340 107 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.6293
Class ranking: 281
Heavy Varmint 200  (05/24/1997)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 1.1270 306 -
M1 0.5860 98 -
M2 0.6770 110 -
M3 0.6820 114 -
M4 3.2030 331 -
M5 0.8780 231 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.6026
Class ranking: 307
Heavy Varmint 100  (05/22/1998)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.2800 136 -
M1 0.4600 257 -
M2 0.3030 102 -
M3 0.3830 156 -
M4 0.4410 221 -
M5 0.5220 267 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.4218
Class ranking: 223
Competitor Equipment

The equipment below is based on information provided at time of registration and updates received thereafter. It may not reflect equipment used at time of competition.

No equipment data provided for this competitor.