Firearms Industry Super Shoot L

Benchrest Club

May 20th - May 23rd 2024

Jim Kelbly

Competitor #: 131
Aggregate Summary
Aggregate Targets Score Ranking
2 Gun Aggregate 20 0.3466 56
10.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.3200 53
13.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.3732 63
Light Varmint 100  (05/20/2024)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.2990 59 -
M1 0.3290 67 -
M2 0.2890 66 -
M3 0.3370 76 -
M4 0.1910 25 -
M5 0.3800 80 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.3052
Class ranking: 69
Heavy Varmint 100  (05/21/2024)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.1990 15 -
M1 0.4480 99 -
M2 0.3400 59 -
M3 0.4670 78 -
M4 0.3860 60 -
M5 0.7720 109 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.4826
Class ranking: 96
Heavy Varmint 200  (05/22/2024)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.6120 30 -
M1 0.6340 44 -
M2 0.4810 23 -
M3 0.5020 25 -
M4 0.3780 5 -
M5 0.6430 56 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.2638
Class ranking: 16
Light Varmint 200  (05/23/2024)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.4660 20 -
M1 0.5100 32 -
M2 0.6560 52 -
M3 1.0040 83 -
M4 0.7100 45 -
M5 0.4680 19 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.3348
Class ranking: 39
Competitor Equipment

The equipment below is based on information provided at time of registration and updates received thereafter. It may not reflect equipment used at time of competition.

Light Varmint
Caliber: 6mm PPC
Action: Kelbly
Scope: March
Rings: Kelbly's
Barrel: Hart
Gunsmith: Kelbly's
Stock: Kelbly's
Stocker: Kelbly's
Front Rest: Bald Eagle
Powder: LT32
Bullet: Generic
Bullet Weight: 65
Trigger: Bix'n Andy
Tuner: None
Heavy Varmint
Caliber: 6mm PPC
Action: Kelbly's
Scope: March
Rings: Kelbly's
Barrel: Hart
Gunsmith: Kelbly's
Stock: Kelbly's
Stocker: Kelbly's
Front Rest: Bald Eagle
Powder: LT32
Bullet: Generic
Bullet Weight: 65
Trigger: Kelbly
Tuner: None