Firearms Industry Super Shoot XXVI

Kelbly's Rifle Range

May 22nd - May 25th 1998

Mahlon Kelly

Competitor #: 1148
Aggregate Summary
Aggregate Targets Score Ranking
10.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.6550 287
13.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.6771 293
2 Gun Aggregate 20 0.6660 298
Light Varmint 100  (05/22/1998)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.5840 276 -
M1 0.5480 280 -
M2 0.4620 248 -
M3 0.8640 286 -
M4 0.3680 157 -
M5 0.6310 271 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.5746
Class ranking: 283
Heavy Varmint 100  (05/23/1998)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.5210 273 -
M1 0.5350 232 -
M2 0.4590 188 -
M3 0.5700 241 -
M4 0.5930 265 -
M5 0.4760 208 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.5266
Class ranking: 251
Light Varmint 200  (05/24/1998)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.8540 205 -
M1 0.6110 54 -
M2 1.3270 257 -
M3 1.7220 271 -
M4 2.3500 280 -
M5 1.3430 229 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.7353
Class ranking: 273
Heavy Varmint 200  (05/25/1998)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.8300 167 -
M1 1.3130 268 -
M2 1.2560 275 -
M3 2.7640 295 -
M4 1.1150 213 -
M5 1.8270 283 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.8275
Class ranking: 291
Competitor Equipment

The equipment below is based on information provided at time of registration and updates received thereafter. It may not reflect equipment used at time of competition.

No equipment data provided for this competitor.