Firearms Industry Super Shoot XLIX

Benchrest Club

May 22nd - May 25th 2023

Steve Jaynes

Competitor #: 432
Aggregate Summary
Aggregate Targets Score Ranking
10.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.3249 51
13.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.3578 93
2 Gun Aggregate 20 0.3413 70
Light Varmint 100  (05/22/2023)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.2560 59 -
M1 0.3400 94 -
M2 0.4420 114 -
M3 0.3140 67 -
M4 0.3310 67 -
M5 0.2190 27 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.3292
Class ranking: 78
Heavy Varmint 100  (05/23/2023)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.3140 99 -
M1 0.2700 70 -
M2 0.3380 89 -
M3 0.2640 52 -
M4 0.2270 38 -
M5 0.2450 38 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.2688
Class ranking: 50
Light Varmint 200  (05/24/2023)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 1.1050 118 -
M1 1.1500 113 -
M2 0.4010 10 -
M3 0.4800 16 -
M4 0.5950 28 -
M5 0.5790 30 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.3205
Class ranking: 24
Heavy Varmint 200  (05/25/2023)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.4850 47 -
M1 0.5410 48 -
M2 1.1310 119 -
M3 0.6880 76 -
M4 0.9150 94 -
M5 1.1930 116 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.4468
Class ranking: 111
Competitor Equipment

The equipment below is based on information provided at time of registration and updates received thereafter. It may not reflect equipment used at time of competition.

Light Varmint
Caliber: 22 PPC
Action: BAT
Scope: Nightforce
Rings: Harrell's
Barrel: Bartlein
Gunsmith: hensley
Front Rest: Farley
Powder: Vihtavuori N133
Bullet: hillbilly
Bullet Weight: 57
Trigger: Jewell
Heavy Varmint
Caliber: 22 PPC
Action: BAT
Scope: Nightforce
Rings: Harrell's
Barrel: Bartlein
Gunsmith: Hensley
Front Rest: Farley
Powder: Vihtavuori N133
Bullet: hillbilly
Bullet Weight: 57
Trigger: Jewell