Firearms Industry Super Shoot XLI

Kelbly's Rifle Range

May 22nd - May 25th 2013

Donna Sutton

Competitor #: 555
Aggregate Summary
Aggregate Targets Score Ranking
10.5 Grand Aggregate 5 0.4048 209
13.5 Grand Aggregate 10 0.4949 209
2 Gun Aggregate 10 0.4949 206
Heavy Varmint 100  (05/23/2013)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.2510 57 -
M1 0.4040 189 -
M2 0.5820 242 -
M3 0.3460 175 -
M4 0.3530 177 -
M5 0.3390 150 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.4048
Class ranking: 221
Heavy Varmint 200  (05/25/2013)
Match Score Rank DQ
warm-up 0.7690 109 -
M1 1.4050 202 -
M2 1.5140 208 -
M3 1.1600 177 -
M4 0.7480 66 -
M5 1.0230 117 -
Class Ranking
Class score: 0.5850
Class ranking: 180
Competitor Equipment

The equipment below is based on information provided at time of registration and updates received thereafter. It may not reflect equipment used at time of competition.

No equipment data provided for this competitor.